Warren High School

A team from Warren High School won first place in the Metropolitan Water District's ninth annual Solar Cup boat competition this past weekend at Lake Skinner in Temecula. The students captured first place in the Public Service category and second place in the Endurance Race, which measured how many laps a team's solar-powered boat can complete around the lake in 90 minutes without failing. The students, under supervision from teacher Glenn Yamasaki, worked nine months on their boat, which was built from scratch, adding all the instruments and motors by hand. The students also used technical reports and data to maximize the solar energy. The team includes seniors Heather Adamson, Rubin Hwang, Binal Patel, Matthew Caswell and Nigel Adashefski; captains Sarthak Patel, Irwin Luna and Luis Herrera; and juniors Alex Salgado, Garrett Powers and Brian Choo. ********** Published: May 26, 2011 - Volume 10 - Issue 6

FeaturesEric Pierce