Warren High hosts Red Cross blood drive

A donor gives blood at Warren High School on Wednesday. Photo by Alex Dominguez

A donor gives blood at Warren High School on Wednesday. Photo by Alex Dominguez

DOWNEY – A blood drive was held at Warren on Wednesday, with the goal of collecting 150 units of blood for the Red Cross of America.

Both students and members of the public participated.

“We do a lot with the Red Cross, and Warren High School has always been kind of a national leader in school-based blood donor sites,” said ASB Director Jay Waldron.

For safety precautions, donors had their temperature checked and were required to wear a mask. The scale of the drive was also cut back, with social distance and a limited number of individuals in the donation area maintained.

This comes at a time where The American Red Cross is experiencing a shortage in its blood supply.

“We had a very difficult 2020,” said Robert Torrez, Senior Field Manager for the Red Cross. “We’re trying to collect blood to build the blood supply that we don’t have.”

Torrez said that every pint of blood donated could save three lives.

Waldron described the effort as “very gratifying.”

“When the need is highest, we like to think that Warren can rise to the occasion and help out,” said Waldron.

“Our kids are really going out of their way to come and give, so it’s very gratifying, for sure.”

NewsAlex Dominguez