Victory with honor

Dear Editor:Every four years an event happens that showcases America's best: the Olympics. Our athletes dedicate their lives training and making daily sacrifices with one goal in mind: to qualify for the opportunity to represent the United States in the Olympic Games. Our athletes must comply to the strict standards and rules set forth by the Olympic Committee to qualify for each event. They are tested for drugs and are responsible to pay for their training and travel expenses. They must show good sportsmanship, cheating will result in disqualification or forfeiture of their medal. The judges and media are expected to do their jobs accurately and without bias; they know the world is watching. Our athletes are chosen solely on their qualifications, not looks, personality or financial status. All this they do proudly to win the gold and to represent their country, to hear their national anthem played and see their flag raised above the rest. Win or lose, they gained our respect and earned their place in Olympic history. Thank you, athletes, for pursuing victory with honor. Every four years another much anticipated event occurs in this nation. Wouldn't it be nice if our politicians were held to the same standards as our athletes. The world is watching and like our athletes, they too represent the United States of America. Linda Ruvolopez Downey

********** Published: August 09, 2012 - Volume 11 - Issue 17

OpinionStaff Report