Vacation, other prizes on the auction block

If you would enjoy a late summer afternoon stroll in one of Downey's loveliest gardens, come to the home of Water Kelley on Sunday, Sept. 20 between 4-7 p.m. Dr. Kelley is hosting this year's garden party to benefit the Downey Symphony and, especially for this occasion, he has planted a solid circle, 12 feet in diameter, in zinnias, exuberant zinnias. That's a spirit-lifter right there.You will find irresistible hors d'oeuvres catered by Katie Hare, champagne and wines, very live music from a brass quintet, a solo performance by the outstanding young pianist, Pauline Yang, and a dessert table just daring you to sample everything - if you can. If you are not into classical music, that's fine - no one will try to persuade you. It's not a prerequisite, and you'll have a terrific time. If you have loved classical music forever, that's also fine - there are rewards. On the live auction block, for instance, are tickets to performances by the Pacific Symphony, L.A. Opera and L.A. Philharmonic, and dinner with Sharon Lavery, conductor of the Downey Symphony, followed by a privileged backstage view of the orchestra in rehearsal. Other goodies include a round of golf at Candlewood Country Club, dinner for 10 at Rio Hondo Event Center, a Downey YMCA membership, an acoustic guitar, an exclusive roundtrip by private, professional van to the Norton Simon Museum, and a three-day, two-night stay at Harrah's Entertainment Hotel in Las Vegas, with $200 in food and beverage voucher, valid to November, 2010. In support of our fine orchestra and Music in the Schools, reservations at $75 for this Second Annual Garden Party are requested by today, Sept. 11, but you still might be able to squeeze in under the wire. Please phone Ruth Hillecke at (562) 861-7921.

********** Published: September 11, 2009 - Volume 8 - Issue 21

EventsEric Pierce