Utility markings

Dear Editor:As a long time resident I've grown up admiring the city's "Keep Downey Beautiful" program and have volunteered several times throughout the years. I find it ironic, however, that the same department that oversees this program is a blatant contributor towards generating "temporary" graffiti throughout our city. At countless intersections and walkways (along Imperial Highway as one example) public utility main markings do anything but keep Downey beautiful. I fully understand their purpose but wonder why the department that oversees the spraying of the markings doesn't also follow up to ensure the adequate removal of them when the job is done. These unsightly markings look no different than a gang member's tagging and having so many of them also contributes towards the city looking run down and in disarray. It is my opinion that public works should address this issue and inform the residents what options it can take to mitigate the unsightliness. Al Rangel Downey

********** Published: September 6, 2012 - Volume 11 - Issue 21

OpinionStaff Report