Updates from Mayor Mario Trujillo

Hello Downey,

Welcome back to school! Our community and kids have officially returned for another year of excellence—best of luck and well wishes to all the students and the parents who support their academic success.

Community Engagement

I invite everyone to participate in our upcoming city events.

Southeast District Bar Association Legal Fair

• Barbara J. Riley Center – Saturday, September 07, from 10:00 AM to 02:00 PM

International Food Festival

• Downtown Downey - Saturday, September 14, from 06:00 PM to 10:00 PM

Beyond the Book

• Downey City Library - Saturday, September 21, from 10:00 AM to 05:00 PM

Downey’s Local Measure D & Municipal Election Voter Information

The Downey City Council placed Measure D - The Downey Public Safety and Local Control Measure - on the November Municipal ballot for voter consideration. If approved by a majority of voters, it is estimated that Measure D will provide an additional $6,000,000 in annual local funding that could be used for maintaining general City services such as 9-1-1 emergency response, fire/police protection programs, recruiting/retaining public safety personnel, street and pothole repair, and youth programs. For more information and education on Downey’s local Measure D and municipal election, visit www.downeyca.org/measured .

Economic Development

Our local businesses are the heart of our community. As we welcome several new businesses this fall, the City remains committed to providing ongoing support for our existing businesses. The Economic Development Office is here to assist every step of the way, whether you're navigating the business landscape, finding the perfect location, or accessing financial incentives.

Access to Capital Financial Business Workshop

• Barbara J. Riley Center - Wednesday, September 18, from 06:00 PM to 08:00 PM

(This workshop will be presented in Spanish in observance of Hispanic Heritage Month. An English version will also be available in the coming months).

Resident Survey

• The City of Downey is developing its 5-Year Consolidated Plan as required by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). This plan will guide the investment strategy for using funds from the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) and HOME Investment Partnerships (HOME) programs to enhance the quality of life for our residents.

We invite you to be a part of this important planning process by completing our survey at https://bit.ly/DowneyResident . Your input will help us identify and prioritize community needs, shaping our investment strategy accordingly.

The survey is completely anonymous and only takes a few minutes to complete. If you’d like to stay updated on our progress and initiatives, you may choose to provide your email address at the end of the survey.

Para los hispanohablantes, pueden ver el siguiente vídeo sobre cómo ver esta encuesta en español: https://youtu.be/r7oS56l7lRo

For more information, contact (562) 904-7284 or aramirez@downeyca.org, and don’t forget to “Spend Local” and support our Downey businesses!

Keep Downey Beautiful Monthly Cleanups

Keep Downey Beautiful monthly litter cleanups are back in full force! Our community continues to thrive when we all take part in making Downey a better place. Join us for the next cleanup event and help us keep Downey beautiful.

Big Lots Parking Lot

• 9020 Firestone Blvd - Saturday, September 14, from 09:00 AM to 10:00 AM

(Students are eligible to receive documented volunteer hours. An adult must accompany anyone under the age of 16).

Public Safety

The safety of our residents is always a top priority. The City of Downey continues equipping our residents with the necessary tools and resources to better prepare for emergencies. Here are two events to learn more about protecting your home and community.

Emergency Preparedness Workshop

• Downey City Library - Saturday, September 07, from 03:30 PM to 04:30 PM

Community Emergency Response Team Training (2 ½ Days of Training)

Fire Station 1 - Training Room

• Friday, September 06, from 06:30 PM to 09:00 PM

• Saturday, September 07, from 08:00 AM to 05:00 PM

• Sunday, September 08, from 08:00 AM to 05:00 PM

(Email ready@downeyca.org and include your name, email, and phone number to register. Minors 11 years of age and up must be accompanied by an adult and included in registration).


Download the Downey App on your mobile device. Through the app, you can report incidents such as illegally dumped items, street repairs, trash issues, graffiti removal requests, neighborhood light repairs, and more.

Graffiti Hotline

• (562) 923-4484

Abandoned Shopping Carts

• (800) 252-4613

Illegal Dumping

• (562) 904-7194

Code Enforcement

The City of Downey is committed to keeping the community safe and welcoming for all by working closely with local agencies to provide resources and support to those in need. Proactive steps are taken to address homelessness encampments and maintain clean and accessible public spaces, ensuring Downey remains vibrant for everyone. Here are ways you can help.

Download the City of Downey App

• Available on the Google and Apple app stores.

Report a Homeless Encampment

• Submit a report through the app.

• The City's Homeless Outreach Team will respond.

Thank you for your continued support and dedication to our community. Be sure to stay connected. Follow our social media platforms: Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter at @cityofdowneyca and @discoverdowney.

Mario Trujillo
Mayor, City of Downey

NewsMario Trujillo