UCLA researchers seek 25 volunteers for cancer study
LOS ANGELES - Researchers at UCLA's Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Center are seeking volunteers recently treated for breast cancer who may be experiencing cognitive difficulties, a condition often referred to as "chemo brain."The pilot study aims to develop and evaluate a rehabilitation program for breast cancer survivors who believe they are having trouble thinking and concentrating after receiving treatment. Volunteers will be asked to come to UCLA for a 90-minute initial visit, then return once a week for six weeks to participate in group intervention sessions. Volunteers will also need to return to UCLA for one-hour follow-up visits two months and six months after the intervention. Twenty-five volunteers are being sought for the study, which is funded by the Breast Cancer Research Foundation. For more information, call (310) 825-2520.
********** Published: July 24, 2009 - Volume 8 - Issue 14