Trash diggers

Dear Editor:In recent months I have observed a man on a bicycle rummaging through my trash can and trash cans of my neighbors. He appears to be searching for items to recycle. I live in the northeast neighborhood of Downey, north of Stonewood Center. I can understand if the trash cans are placed out on the street, but I have also observed him entering the properties of apartment complexes and digging through Dumpsters. I'm very careful not to dispose of sensitive information in the trash can unless it has been properly shredded first, but it still makes me uncomfortable to have this man stepping onto my property and digging through my trash. Is there anything I can do about it? -- Carol Stenhouse, Downey Editor's note:‚ÄàAccording to Sgt. Brian Baker of the Downey Police Department, both the municipal code and a public resource code prohibit the taking of recyclables from trash cans. Residents who view someone violating the code may call the Downey Police Department non-emergency line at (562) 904-2308.

********** Published: August 5, 2010 - Volume 9 - Issue 16

OpinionStaff Report