The Downey Patriot

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Toastmasters support

Dear Editor:I want to share with your audience the importance of Toastmasters in my life. As an immigrant being able to communicate in English has been very important but at the same time very challenging because I came as an adult to this country. However, after several years studying the new language, I reached the level where I was able to pass by with my English almost everywhere and I got comfortable without putting anymore efforts to master the language. But when I joined Toastmasters last year, a new window full of opportunities arrived: learning about different topics every week, having new professional friends from which I am learning, and being able to speak in public. Also, I am more fluent in my second language and with less grammatical errors when I talk. That's why I am using this space to invite everyone who wants to enhance their public speaking skills to join Toastmasters. You will be able to listen and learn, to participate and practice, and once you know it, you will be able to speak in front of a big audience with full confidence, and if English is your second language like mine, the satisfaction will be double and you will feel that you are part of this community, in English and in Spanish or whatever other language you may speak. If you want to join Toastmasters, we meet every Tuesday from 6-7:30 p.m. at First Baptist Church just walking distance from the library. -- Agustin Duran, Downey

********** Published: March 15, 2012 - Volume 10 - Issue 48