Tiger's mistake
Dear Editor:Tiger Woods, considered one of the world's best putters, forgot the old adage, "never up, never in, always allow for one foot past the hole." Thus several of his putts finished a few inches short or ran out of gas and broke sharply below the hole. Considered by many to be the future Tiger Woods, Ireland's Rory Mcllroy, 20 years old, 5 ft. 9, 160 lbs., came in third with a minus-3 at the PGA's Hazeltine Golf Course, the nation's longest and hardest course. Rory possesses a picture perfect golf swing many of the pros would kill for. His average drive is 305 yards, with a recent best of 340 yards. - Bill Hawkins, Downey
********** Published: August 21, 2009 - Volume 8 - Issue 18