Thanking veterans

Dear Editor:Rather celebrating Nov. 11 as just another day off from work, stop and reflect a little of it being Veterans Day. Fly our flag proudly. Thank a serviceman/woman. You might not be alive today if our brave American military forces had not won the big World War II. So many true heroes gave their futures so that we all may have one today. One thing I always proudly say in my tribute to veterans is that our United States of America saved this entire world for freedom and from slavery by mad evil dictators. America supplied so much war material, ships, planes, guns, tanks, manpower, needed supplies and troops to fight our enemies of war on so many fronts. You wont' find that save statement anywhere in the history books of America for our youth to read today. That is one humongous achievement of all time. Our Allies helped tremendously also. We are not the "Bad America." We are the Good America that saved this whole world, and still doing it. The warriors of today is the veteran of tomorrow, as the world is still full of evil men bent on destroying mankind with new weaponry and science. I am fearful for our country's survival because we have so many weak leaders that our freedom is in jeopardy. We speak from weakness even though we are supposedly the world's supercop protectors. We don't need appeasers to any evil men or countries. Thank you, veterans, for our freedom today. May god always bless America and you. - Joe Cvetko, Bellflower

********** Published: November 6, 2009 - Volume 8 - Issue 29

OpinionStaff Report