Teens ignored

Dear Editor:The future of any city is in its teenagers. And yet, to look around Downey is to come face to face with a city that ignores this category of young people. Young adults seem to be in the city fathers' crosshairs judging by the number of hookah bars, wine bars, alcohol nightclubs and cantinas open to 2 a.m. These nightspots are not a credit to the city of Downey or a benefit to the twenty somethings whose lungs and livers are at-risk. I'm sure responsible parents of young adults are gasping and rolling their eyes at the city leaders' enthusiasm. As a teenager, I am not yet concerned about the pitfalls of adulthood. But I am worried that Downey is losing a tremendous opportunity to give Downey's teens a safe place to go evenings and weekends. Currently I ask my parents to drive me to Whittier, Long Beach or other cities for safe entertainment. I had hoped after hearing the campaign promises of the last election that downtown Downey would become another Old Town San Diego or Uptown Whittier, but that seems not to be the goal. -- Caitlin Davis, Downey

********** Published: September 01, 2011 - Volume 10 - Issue 20

OpinionEric Pierce