The Downey Patriot

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Teamsters allege automaker broke promises

On Jan. 30, dozens of Teamsters who deliver new cars for a living, along with consumer activists from, staged a song and dance action inside the Washington, D.C. Auto Show to educate auto show attendees about Fiat/Chrysler's broken promises.The video of this performance is now online and can be viewed on YouTube. Fiat/Chrysler received $14 billion in the taxpayer-funded auto bailout that was meant to help the economy and save jobs. However, the company is now moving work away from the professional carhaul companies that have delivered their vehicles to dealerships for many years. The loss of this work could put these carriers out of business, leaving up to 5,000 people without jobs and health care. And by using cut-rate carriers, Chrysler risks new cars being damaged when delivered. Teamster carhaul drivers are asking Fiat/Chrysler to keep their bailout promise and not destroy the jobs that support them and their families. Consumer advocates are also concerned that with Fiat/Chrysler moving work to less-experienced companies, new cars could be improperly secured and transported, which could lead to hidden damages to tires, rims, axles and the overall frame. A recent report, "Damaged when Delivered?" documents these practices by low-road carhaul companies. The demonstrators also handed out leaflets to attendees that read, "Fiat/Chrysler Buyers Beware: Hidden Damages On New Cars?" Contributed by the International Brotherhood of Teamsters, founded in 1903 and representing 1.4 million men and women in the United States, Canada and Puerto Rico.

********** Published: February 12, 2010 - Volume 8 - Issue 43