The Downey Patriot

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Suspects sought in home invasion

DOWNEY - Hearing a thud in the middle of the night on Jan. 6, a Downey resident living in the 9100 block of Appleby Street woke up thinking one of his dogs was hitting his door. Realizing the noise had come from his neighbor's house, he went back to sleep.In the morning, the resident saw something was amiss at his neighbor's house - a blanket was covering up their second floor French windows which are normally uncovered. Then, he watched a forensic vehicle pull up to the house. His neighbors had been the victims of a home invasion. Wearing ski masks, gloves, and waving handguns, the robbers tied up the husband and wife living in the home, as well as their teenage son and daughter. Looking for money, jewelry and other valuables, the gunmen left in the family's Nissan sedan. "I believe these people were targeted for a specific reason," said Downey Police Department Sgt. Randy Wells. "I don't think it was a random act. There was no sign of forced entry, and for some reason, they thought these people had money in their home because they were demanding it." No one was assaulted or injured during the course of the robbery.