Support for Assembly member Garcia

Dear Editor:

If Saturday’s high attendance at Assemblymember Cristina Garcia’s inauguration is any indication of how well respected and admired she is, we can expect more responsive and courageous leadership from her for the 58th assembly district.

Heavy rainfall (a symbol of good luck according to Asian cultures) on her inauguration day could not dampen the enthusiasm of her constituents as they cheered her on for her bold activism. Hence, it was befitting that long-time union activist Dolores Huerta did the honor of swearing in Cristina alongside notable, long-time union activist Maria Elena Durazo, now a current California State Senator.

The display of enthusiasm among diverse constituents from across the 58th assembly district was evident as they showed up in full force to support her. And I’m certain she felt their overwhelming support behind her. The impact she has had on the 58th assembly district is why voters overwhelmingly voted her in for a consecutive term.

To our state Assembly member I say, “Cristina, you have had our back, and your constituents have yours, too. Continue to lead with confidence as many of us welcome your bold, tenacious leadership.”

Sandra Nevarez

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