Superior Court returns to normal schedule

DOWNEY - Los Angeles Superior Court will return to its normal five-day-a-week work schedule in August after its last furlough day was held July 21.Since instituting staff furloughs in July 2009, the court scheduled 13 days of court closures or staff furlough days. "We did not impose staff furloughs lightly; we knew what a burden they would be," said Presiding Judge Charles W. McCoy. "Our court adopted them as a last resort to save money to avoid additional layoffs, and closing our courthouses once a month saved more than $13 million and allowed [Los Angeles Superior Court] to preserve more than 200 jobs for another year." Downey Superior Court was closed on staff furlough days with only limited court services. Citizens were still able to request restraining orders involving stalking, abuse or threats of violence. "Although we still face considerable budget uncertainty, and are by no means out of danger of future layoffs, the trial court budget package working its way through the state legislature would allow us to avoid furloughs through the fiscal year that has just begun," McCoy said.

********** Published: July 22, 2010 - Volume 9 - Issue 14

NewsEric Pierce