Students wrap up school year

DOWNEY - High school, where friendship, drama, football games, dances and learning all meet, is wrapping up for the school year. Anxious seniors and relieved under underclassmen can be seen carrying yearbooks, cameras, and planning last minute trips all throughout the campus. For many, the 2011 school year coming to an end is exciting, disheartening, and bittersweet."I'm really looking forward to being on the higher end of the 'high school ladder' next year and finally breaking free from being considered an underclassman. Next year I'll be making new friendships with teachers and fighting for a varsity baseball position," said upcoming Junior at St. John Bosco Aaron Vilaubi. "Summer is here so I'm super excited we don't have to stress out about tests, homework, and other things," said 16 year-old Bo Sinsombutcharoen. "I'm nervous for Junior Year, but I'm living it up." Future varsity cheerleader Nicole Nelson said, "I'm excited to finally be a senior and get the heck out of school. I finally have the feeling of 'wow' because I'm almost in college and my adulthood is finally about to begin." For seniors, leaving is tough. Not only are they leaving behind their friends but they are also moving onto reality. This is both nerve wracking and thrilling, but most importantly, a new beginning. "I can't believe this is the last time I'm going to walk down these hallways. This is the place I met some of my closest friends, got a great education, and learned a lot about myself and life," said Senior Samantha Rangel. "As we count down the days, graduation is such a relief. All of my hard work has paid off, but then comes the sad part of it all, leaving your friends that you've known since grade school. Nonetheless I'm excited to start my new college life in Riverside," said senior Vanessa Del Muro. Tanya Alfaro said she is also pumped up to end high school but nervous about never seeing some of her friends and starting from the bottom again when she gets to CSUF. Upcoming CSLB freshmen Eddie Correa said, "I'm scared and excited. We're going to be in the real world, we're not kids anymore, but at least I don't have to put up with stupid and fake people in high school anymore." The end of the 2011 school year has many mixed emotions tied into its ending. Underclassmen are elated to move up and be top dogs. Seniors on the other hand are either excited to finally get out of high school or disheartened to be leaving. "I'm excited that school is almost over! I'm super stoked to start a full time job and go off to college and become a Sign Language Translator and Interpreter," said senior Vanessa Lynn Arriola. "I'm sad because I will miss high school but happy that I'll soon be 18 and moving forward in life."

********** Published: June 16, 2011 - Volume 10 - Issue 9

FeaturesEric Pierce