Students substitute jerry cans for backpacks

DOWNEY — Downey High School students from the Thirst Project Club and KIWIN’S Club, spent a day at school carrying jerry cans strapped on to their backs to raise awareness for the need to give children in developing countries water so that they too can have a chance to go to school.

Women and children all over the world are deprived from reaching their full potential due to a lack of access to safe drinking water. Water carrying is mainly performed by women or children who are forced to carry 44 pound Jerry Cans on their head or shoulders and walk an average of 3.75 miles every day just to fetch clean water.

“Our students want to help because they see just how lucky they are to have clean drinkable water and the opportunity to go to school. It is our responsibility as educators to teach them how to take action and make a difference in this world,” said teacher, Alex Gaytan.

The students spread awareness on what is happening to children in developing countries who cannot go to school. Children are deprived of an education because they must spend their time fetching water that is not even clean. 

“Some of us added a little bit of water to our jerry can and strapped it on our back just to see how it feels for children who have to fetch water every day and walk for many miles instead of going to school,” said Terra Duron, senior at Downey High School. “I could not even imagine how painful it would be to carry a jerry can filled with water every day, it made me sad.”

Downey High School students learned about how access to clean water affects children. In addition to that, students learned that children who carry water produce musculoskeletal disorders, injuries, and other related disabilities that affect their development.

“Our goal is to get the student body to understand and care about what is happening to children in other parts of the world,”  said Diana Baliscao, president of Downey High’s Thirst Project Club. “We want them to expand their world view and become involved in ending the suffering of children. We want to give children backpacks to go to school, not jerry cans.”

These students are planning a Walk for Water on Saturday, March 7, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Downey High School football stadium. All of the Downey community is invited to attend.

NewsStaff Report