Students earn vocational diplomas

DOWNEY - Downey Adult School held its fall graduation ceremony on Dec. 8 for its Dental Assisting Vocational program and Pharmacy Technician Vocational program graduates.Nancy Garcia was named valedictorian for the dental assistant graduating class while Zumara Esquer was salutatorian. For the pharmacy technician program, Dora Latino was named valedictorian while both Rodjana Polachart and Marife Talosig were salutatorians. The ceremony was attended by family, friends and members of the community, and included a slideshow of the graduates' work in achieving their diplomas. "Downey Adult School congratulates all graduates of the Dental Assisting and Pharmacy Technician programs, and wishes everyone success in their chosen paths and endeavors," the school said in a statement.

********** Published: December 18, 2009 - Volume 8 - Issue 35

FeaturesEric Pierce