Student shaves afro for cancer fight

DOWNEY - Columbus High School student Danny Delgadillo gave up his afro to help fund the fight against cancer at the Downey Relay for Life last Saturday.The Relay for Life is a 24-hour fundraiser where teams raise money on behalf of the American Cancer Society. Last week, some teams sold raffle tickets, others sold food items, and the Downey Adult School Massage Therapy program gave massages for donations. But one fundraising idea stood above the rest. Delgadillo decided to allow his 12-inch afro to be sheared off in front of a crowd. Columbus High teacher Virginia Rooney led the crowd in chants of "Go Fro Go!" and "No More Fro!" while asking crowd members to donate money. English teacher Robert Hecker sheared half of Delgadillo's hair at noon, and the second half was shaved in the early evening. In between the two cuts Delgadillo proudly walked laps sporting his noticeable half-afro. Delgadillo ultimately raised more than $500 by shaving his head. "His fellow classmates, relay participants and the staff at Columbus all consider this young man to be a hero," Rooney said. "He did this for all those men and women that have lost their hair while battling this disease and hopes there will be a day when no one has to feel that shame again. When he was sent an e-mail saying thanks for his contributions, Danny wrote back, 'I'm just trying to make a difference.' "Thanks to you, Danny Delgadillo, and to all those that participated and donated to this year's Relay for Life," Rooney continued. "Because of you, we are one step closer to the cure."

********** Published: June 9, 2011 - Volume 10 - Issue 8

FeaturesEric Pierce