Speed problems

Dear Editor:I have lived on Finevale Drive for 57 years - and before we were a city, two men put two potholes and installed two stop signs. I told them they put them on the wrong corner but they were already installed. When Councilman David Gafin was elected, I told him about the blunder. He said he would look into seeing what could be done. Within two days two idiot speed control units were placed on Horley Avenue. They stayed one week and within a week I received a printout of the results. It stated there were a few cars traveling 35-40 miles per hour, most 25 miles per hour or less. No big problem. Some time later a stop sign was placed on Guatamala and Lubec. I noticed two motorcycle police officers for a while to catch the offenders. Another one was placed on Guatamala and north of Suva to slow the traffic. It helps but drivers still speed on Horley. I am sure the city has a long way to go before it solves its speeding problem. -- Kenneth Drake, Downey

********** Published: March 17, 2011 - Volume 9 - Issue 48

OpinionStaff Report