Sorry, Team Edward: 'New Moon' is bad

Twilight Saga's 'New Moon' must have gained its fame from being a "fad" rather than being a great movie as actors and actresses with little acting talent attempted to make up for the movie's flaws with their appearances.The start of New Moon is meant for all the Team Edward fans as Edward Cullen, played by Robert Pattinson, struts onto a plain of grass, quite dazzling in all his glitter and sparkles, to meet his most beloved, and aging, Bella. He continues to strut, maintaining consistency, from nicely positioned and advertised vehicles to right out of Bella's life, bringing intense sadness to both Bella and his fans. Luckily for the audience, Bella does not discriminate when it comes to attractive monsters. Jacob Black's appearance, played by Taylor Lautner, created quite a wave of hormonal reactions, as seen from the noted gasps echoing throughout the movie theater when Jacob slips off his shirt to wipe blood spilling from Bella's head. Team Jacob-go ahead and smile. However, Jacob did not get as much "playing time" in New Moon as one would expect from the book-Edward is never too far away, lest people should lose interest when the famous vampire vanishes. That might infuriate the many parts of the business world who have not missed their opportunity to make a huge profit off a generation eager to be lost in the romance of a relationship with an attractive vampire, as well as a werewolf. Therefore, don't forget to buy your Twilight t-shirt. The one flaw that lies blatant to anyone with eyes is the lack of ability for one specific, and terribly significant, actress to act. Kristen Stewart, who plays Bella, seems to have an incredibly difficult time doing her job in New Moon, though her acting deficiencies were much more apparent in The Twilight Saga's first move, Twilight. As described in Stephanie Meyer's novels, the character of Bella is indeed supposed to be awkward. However, Kristen Stewart succeeds in making the entire Twilight movie awkward, adding a whole new level of discomfort in every scene that she appears in. Someone must have given her acting lessons after her first performance in Twilight because the scenes in New Moon were not as horrible, to the relief of the audience members actually there to watch the movie. Tickets continued to sell out in movie theaters as people, non-readers and diligent fans, loyally wore their nice little buttons and shirts claiming "Team Edward" or "Team Jacob". Perhaps everyone is so swept away by the appearances of the characters in New Moon that it enabled them to overlook the fact that the movie was not good at all. But, of course, everyone had to absolutely adore New Moon. Didn't you hear? It's the new, cool "thing".

********** Published: December 18, 2009 - Volume 8 - Issue 35

EntertainmentEric Pierce