Soldiers in Iraq train for marathon

IRAQ - Soldiers with Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 224th Sustainment Brigade, 103rd Sustainment Command (Expeditionary) from Long Beach began training this month for the Long Beach Half Marathon that is slated for Oct. 17 at Contingency Operating Base in Adder, Iraq.The event will be held the same day as the full and half marathons that are scheduled to take place in Long Beach. The marathon is sponsored by International City Bank and race participants will receive T-shirts, medals, goodie bags, race bibs and raffle prizes. One soldier, Capt. Ryan Johnson, battle captain with HHC, 224th Sustainment Brigade and a Newport Beach resident, has begun training for the race by running an average of 18 miles per week. Johnson said his goal is to average a 7:30 mile pace for the entire race, and added that his motivation for running is that he loves to run. "A big thanks goes to the sponsors of the event," said Johnson. "It's great they are supporting the soldiers, both those from California and elsewhere." Sgt. Jason Tugmon, a healthcare non-commissioned officer and medic, and a San Dimas native, said he is training for the event by running in every organized run leading up to the event, and that he is doing as much running and physical activity in the gym as his schedule allows. "In addition, I am staying away from fatty cakes in the dining facility," Tugmon said. "My personal goal for the run is to survive and come in around 2.5 hours. My motivation for participating in the event is competing with myself to succeed, and participating in a worthwhile cause with my fellow soldiers."

********** Published: September 30, 2010 - Volume 9 - Issue 24

FeaturesEric Pierce