Shared Stories: Authenticity

Dora Silvers is a long-time member of the class whose stories of ordinary events reflect her keen observation dry sense of humor. Shared Stories is a weekly column featuring articles by participants in a writing class at the Norwalk Senior Center. Bonnie Mansell is the instructor for this free class offered through the Cerritos College Adult Education Program. Curated by Carol Kearns

By Dora Silvers

During dinner at my table I noticed a lovely ring on Mary’s finger. Mary said she bought it in the lobby that morning, at a sale. She said it was only $5.95.

It was really pretty, ruby red and amber. I said to Sally “That is a lovely ring.” Sally said Mary only wears authentic jewelry.

That reminded me of the time I was selling bunk beds, complete with mattresses.  I had put an ad in the paper.  At 7:30 one morning my doorbell rang.

A very well dressed lady said “I am interested in buying your bunk beds.” I invited her into the bedroom.

She said, “I have boys sleeping on my garage floor. I could really use them.”  She added, “I will give you twenty dollars.”

I said “No, forty dollars.” She agreed.

I helped her take them out to her car. She had a lovely light green Cadillac. We put the beds in the trunk, and the mattresses in the back seat. Then she put the rails from the back to the front window. I went in the house and brought out a dish towel, as I was afraid the metal rail might crack the window.

She opened her purse and gave me the forty dollars. Then she said “They are not authentic maple.”

I walked away and thought to myself, “Boys are sleeping on the garage floor, but the beds ‘are not authentic maple.’ What a shame.” 

The lady was dressed to the hilt, with high heels and a lovely dress. Here I was in my tennis shoes and sweat pants. What a contrast.

A few months later, we rented a cabin in Big Bear. After our two-week stay, we packed up and were ready to leave. 

Jack said “I don’t know how to get down the hill to the main road.” I noticed a light green car up ahead.

I said, “Follow that car; we can get out to the main road.” We followed the car through winding roads. Finally, it stopped, and we saw we were at the city dump. 

The driver was the lady who bought our bunk beds. What a coincidence! She got out and dumped her trash. Then, I noticed the real estate advertisement on the side of her car. She probably had rentals in Big Bear.

No boys sleeping on the garage floor.