Several Downey teachers bid farewell

DOWNEY - It's not a mass exodus, but it certainly feels like one. I'm referring to the early retirements of several DUSD personnel, including six certificated management personnel, about 40 certificated teachers/classified as teachers, and some 34 classified employees.The net effect of these early retirements is a savings of some $820,000 to the district this year, and another $500,000 next fiscal year, as explained in a companion report. Heading the list of retiring administrators are Stan Hanstad, assistant superintendent of personnel services; Dr. Sara Cairns, director of secondary education; and Kent Halbmaier, director of special education. Paul Modschiedler, vice principal; Julie Helm, special education program administrator; and Gloria Widmann round out the roster. Their retirement takes effect June 30. The following certificated personnel (teachers or staff) retired in mid-year (January) but came back to teach with 'emeritus' status, effectively retiring for good come end of June: Anita Altounian, Kathy Bazarian, Blair Bolles, Susan Bouris, Diane Bow, Mike Brown, Willard Capps, Barbara Carter, Ann Courtney, Marcia Curran, Cheryl Denton, William Dunaway, Mary Jo Enyeart, Ernestine Ferrell, Linda Flowers, Stephen Fullerton, Barbara Gallian, Susan Gilhooley, Donald Hodges, Alan Holley, Sharon Hudgens, Janet Hura, Deborah Karr, Virginia Liepitz, Brenda Lockard, Marylen Long, Joan Martin, Patricia Miles, Diana Ono, Maribeth Paulino, Jeanette Preece, Linda Riggs, Joyce Robinson, Nancy Roth, Frederick Shannon, Vicki Shoop, Deathra Van Scoy, Daniel Vaughn, DaLerna Wilcox, and Patrick Wong. Marie Yusem retires effective June 18. Most of the following classified employees are retiring in June; some have varying dates of retirement, while a few retired last year: Mary Helen Aguilar, Jessie Amescua, Christine Andreasen, Darryl Avery, Kathy Axe, Martha Aycock, Georgia Caraveo, Sandra Carvajal, Gloria Castillon, Leann Christensen, Irene Davis, Dolores Dinwiddie, Sylvia Fonseca, Yvonne Gonzalez, Carolyn Graffin, Elfriede Haberstroh, Vilma Halley, Martha Hennessy, Imelda Jacobo, Michael James, Beth Keeler, Dianne Long, James Long, Jill Lutenske, Carol Mehr, Helen Miller, Cheryl Newcomer, Sandra Parent, Pauline Pena, Martha Pinon, Dave Purinton, Diana Ramirez, Betty Roddy, Judy Rottino, Donna Siemann, Phyllis Sissoev, Carolyn Tokashiki, Diane Trusdall, Patricia Tuttle, and Jean Van Wyke. Heading this group is retiring classified personnel director Pat Heineke. The length of service of these retirees ranges from a low of 4 years, 3 months to a high of 39 years, with the majority nestled in the 20-30 year range. The known traditional round of retirement parties at various venues in glorious salute to the honorees has already started in earnest, beginning on May 22 and ending on June 16, among them a joint DUSD/DEA event at Old River Elementary School on June 1, an Instructional Services Department celebration on June 4 themed "A World of Wonder Awaits" to honor nine long-time employees (Mary Helen Aguilar, Blair Bolles, Mike Brown, Sara Cairns, Kent Halbmaier, Julie Helm, Cheryl Newcomer, Diana Ramirez, and Mimi Yusem), and tributes to Pat Heineke (June 10), Kent Halbmaier (June 11), Business Services' Beth Keeler (June 15), and the redoubtable Stan Hanstad (June 16). To further save the district money, some if not most of these positions are either going to go unfilled or consolidated or filled by incoming personnel whose classifications will start in the lower end of the salary scale.

********** Published: May 28, 2010 - Volume 9 - Issue 6

NewsEric Pierce