Roybal-Allard's statement on 20th anniversary of 9/11 attacks


Today, Congresswoman Lucille Roybal-Allard (CA-40), Chairwoman of the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Homeland Security, issued the following statement on the 20th anniversary of the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001:


“Twenty years ago today, we watched in shock and horror as terrorists attacked America on our own soil. None of us will ever forget the tragic events of that day. We will never forget the memories of the victims nor the heartbreak endured by the families they left behind. Nor will we ever forget the first responders and ordinary citizens who heroically gave their lives to save their fellow Americans.


“The twentieth anniversary of the 9/11 attacks is a reminder that the democracy we hold dear as Americans is fragile and that it remains under constant threat of attack from those who mean to do us harm. It is also a reminder that we owe an immense debt of gratitude to our brave men and women in uniform, our DHS personnel, and our first responders for their constant and unwavering vigilance in protecting our homeland. As Chairwoman of the Appropriations Subcommittee on Homeland Security, I’m continuing to do all I can to make sure that these American heroes have the necessary resources and policies in place to prevent future attacks against our nation.


“Following the 9/11 attacks, Americans came together as one. It didn’t matter where we lived, what our political affiliation was, or what other differences we had. Out of the horror and tragedy, we joined together in unity. Today and every day, we must remember that in spite of our differences, we are a nation of people united as Americans. As we move forward in this era of political divisiveness, I pray that we will come together once again to stand united in defense of our democracy, our freedom, and the American values that we share.”

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