The Downey Patriot

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Roybal-Allard’s remarks on Women’s History Month

“March is Women’s History Month. This is a time for us to recognize the accomplishments of the millions of American women who have made our country great. “In 1920, after women spent nearly 100 years battling for the right to vote, Congress passed the 19th Amendment, which granted women a political voice. Despite the progress made since that watershed moment, the fight for equal rights is far from over.

“Today, women play an expanded role in the American workplace, with two out of three families now relying on the wages of working moms to help pay the bills. Unfortunately, many workplaces haven’t caught up with this new reality. Women still make only 78 cents for each dollar a man earns, and currently the United States is the only developed country that does not mandate paid sick days or paid maternity leave. Yet our Republican colleagues refuse to join us in supporting the critical family-friendly policies of equal pay for equal work, paid sick days, and paid family leave.

“I will continue to fight for these and other fair and just economic policies that value women’s work and empower them to be equal partners in meeting the needs of their family as a mother, wife, or daughter.

“This Women’s History Month, I encourage you to join me in celebrating the contributions America’s women have made throughout our history, and in advocating for policies that provide women with the economic security and opportunities they and their families need and deserve. Thank you.”



Published: March 19, 2015 - Volume 13 - Issue 49