Rose Parade offers sneak peek of Downey float

DOWNEY — The Tournament of Roses offered a sneak peek Thursday of Downey’s entry in the Rose Parade.

Presented by the Downey Rose Float Association, Downey’s float is titled “Reading: It’s an Adventure” and promotes reading not just as an educational tool but as “fuel for the imagination to run wild.”

The float depicts three storybooks, each offering a dramatically different journey. A 1950’s era rocket blasts off from the first book, followed by two tigers frolicking in the jungle.

An underwater scene emerges from the third tome, with a colorful submarine and turtle traveling through the ocean.

The self-built float is the Downey Rose Float Association’s 68th entry in the Tournament of Roses Parade.

The parade is scheduled for New Year’s Day. The full float lineup and complete order of march will be announced in December.

NewsEric Pierce