Residents hoodwinked

Dear Editor:The Downey City Council says they don't have enough money for police and fire services. They take a one-time grant and hire firemen for lifetime positions. Now they vote to spend $15,000 on a PR firm to hoodwink voters into a new tax. Is that as bad as paying an assistant city manager about $300,000 a year for water barrel distributions, questionable connections on the Porto's Bakery and Verizon redevelopment projects or paying retired police chief Roy Campos over $600,000 in his last year? Speaking of the police chief, if no one was qualified to allow Campos to go on vacation, why were the two following chiefs hired from within? How much were the golden handshakes for the recently retired police chief and city manager? Were the payouts pensionable? Wish City Hall was more like the Downey Unified School District. Randy Evans Downey

********** Published: March 7, 2013 - Volume 11 - Issue 47

OpinionStaff Report