Residents can use Rancho’s new Wellness Center for free, thanks to Kiwanis
From left to right: Phil Requejo (Rancho Research Institute), Leslie Jones (Downey Kiwanis Foundation secretary), Sonja Kiseljak-Dusenbury (Director of Don Knabe Wellness Center), John F. Casillas (Downey Kiwanis Foundation member).
DOWNEY – During these challenging times, it is nice to know that there are people out there dedicated to supporting the Downey community. Ordinary people doing extraordinary things.
Sometimes, important resources and services are available within our Downey community but few know they exist. One such resource is the Don Knabe Wellness Center at Rancho Los Amigos National Rehabilitation Center.
Despite the ongoing challenges due to COVID-19, the Don Knabe Wellness Center has managed to remain open and continue to provide comprehensive wellness and fitness level programs in both in-person and virtual formats, including peer support groups for individuals with disability, their families, community, and staff.
According to the director of the Don Knabe Wellness Center, Sonja Kiseljak-Dusenbury, “The Don Knabe Wellness Center is truly a hidden gem in the community.”
“Primarily, we cater to persons with different abilities and elderly, as our community is focused on supporting each other,” she said. “The programs we offer and the equipment that we have is really catered to be a safe place for people to come have a good experience in exercise and wellness.
“And then during the pandemic, we shifted some of our programs virtually which still is offered through the website – But now the gym is fully open and in person classes are open for people to come and attend.
“The highlight also is that if you are a resident of Downey, you will be receiving a Downey Kiwanis scholarship for a whole year,” she added. “And if you would just want to try the gym for seven days to see if it’s a good fit, you may do so for free as well. The Don Knabe Wellness Center is very accessible through various transportation and shared rides. Parking is also free.
“To obtain a scholarship, one can call the Don Knabe Wellness Center at (562) 385-6600 or just walk in and inquire about it. They will have to present documentation that shows that they are resident of Downey, such as a utility bill for example. And once we verify that, they are then eligible to receive the scholarship, so it’s as simple as that.”
This generous support from the Downey Kiwanis Foundation makes it possible for Downey residents to attend the Don Knabe Wellness Center and participate in various wellness programming for free.
This generosity is the hallmark of the Downey Kiwanis Club and its members’ dedication to serving the local community through various service and fundraising projects.
The Downey Kiwanis Club has been serving the Downey Community since 1924. Managed and administered by members of the Downey Kiwanis Club, the Downey Kiwanis Foundation awards annual financial grants totaling $150,000 to local non-profit organizations, including Rancho Research Institute, which operates the Don Knabe Wellness Center.
According to Gary Nesbit, treasurer of the Downey Kiwanis Foundation, “Downey Kiwanis Foundation support of Rancho Los Amigos Hospital goes back many years starting with support of the Amistad Gala and many other programs throughout the years.”
“Most notably from 1995 to 2011, the foundation supported the Adult Day Care Program by directly paying for services for Downey residents with Alzheimer’s,” Nesbit said.
“This support amounted to over $500,000 over this period before the program closed.”
The Downey Kiwanis Foundation scholarship began in 2017, spurred by the late Jerry Wetzstein, president of Downey Kiwanis Foundation. Wetzstein saw the benefit of a free membership for Downey residents made available through the Don Knabe Wellness Center.
“Rancho is such a fantastic organization,” he said at the time. “So it goes both ways. We need to support the people who are doing extraordinary things.”
Many members directly benefited from the Downey Kiwanis Foundation Scholarship Fund. This generous support continues today with the latest donation of $24,000.
“I am so thankful for receiving this scholarship from the Wellness Center that is helping me financially and most definitely helping with my well-being mentally and physically,” said Karla Sanchez. “I enjoy coming to the gym to work out. Everyone is nice and helpful in the Wellness Center.”
Another participant, Ruth Lopez, said the scholarship allowed her to join the Wellness Center.
“I have been able to set time during my break to use the gym, where working out to me is a stress reliever; where I am able to work on my physical health,” she said. “Not only have I benefited from the gym, but I also just recently joined the Knitting Class where I have learned to make beanies that we will donate during the Holidays to Nursing Homes.
“Knitting has become another form of therapy for me where I can just keep my mind clear and meditate; it has also helped me with my mental health.”
The Don Knabe Wellness Center is located at Rancho Los Amigos National Rehabilitation Center in Downey.
To learn how to sign up and access the Wellness Center services, please visit, email, call (562) 385-6600, or text (562) 396-5538.
Scholarships are available to Downey residents.