Quick response time

Dear Editor:As a 30-year resident of the city of Downey, we have had three instances when we have called 911. Each time we have received excellent responses from Downey city employees. This past New Year's Day, we had a plumbing emergency. We could not turn off the water at the meter, and water was flowing down the street. We called the fire department and were told that the public works department handles this type of emergency. Within 20 minutes I received a call from public works supervisor Tim Graves. He said he would be right over. He showed up at our house, quickly assessing the situation, he acted instantly to solve the problem. By the way, he was soaking wet. I thanked him, but he said it is just part of his job. - Mike and Diana Borzi, Downey ********** Published: January 16, 2009 - Volume 7 - Issue 39

Staff Report