Prom can be pricey

DOWNEY - With Downey High School's prom at Universal Studios and Warren's on a yacht, prices to attend theses events are expensive at approximately $90 and rising. Many people would argue a romantic, memorable and fun night is the highlight of senior year and very much worth it, but others beg to differ.On May 13, Downey is having prom at the Globe Theatre at Universal Studios as it is reminiscent of red carpet affairs, fitting with the theme "Vintage Hollywood." Food will also be provided through catering. On May 21, Warren will be having prom on the Inspiration Yacht with the theme "Oh, the Places You'll Go!" The theme is an allegory for the boat setting sail, the three cities depicted on each level (Paris, New York and Las Vegas), and for the possibilities of the seniors' futures. Although these two dances are anticipated to be impressive, the expenses of the occasions and other factors have some students finding other alternatives. "For girls prom can become pretty pricey because they're paying to get their hair and makeup done and have to buy a dress, shoes and accessories," said Downey senior Jacqueline Ackerman. "Prom is a big deal for most girls so they want everything to be perfect. Because of that, some girls choose not to go at all." Traditionally, boys or girls would ask another person to prom and pay for their ticket, meal and other necessities, but with prices of prom, Advanced Placement tests, school fees, college expenses, and other needs, students are beginning to be more independent and pay for their half of the ticket, whether they have a date or not. "Prom is a night that belongs to us as individuals and not as a couple. I mean if we find a date then perfect. If not, we can enjoy ourselves and have fun on our own. Going with a date has been the tradition but new things are good," said Warren senior Angel Bazan who is contemplating going to prom single. For others, prom is a trivial event and a waste of money. "Dances aren't really my scene. I'm going to get my second tattoo on that day instead," said Warren senior Daniela Uribe. "I decided not to go to prom after realizing that the only girl that I wanted to ask to was already taken," said Downey senior Hiro Azuma. "I figured it'd be a waste of money if I just went with my friends to prom, I mean I could hangout with them without paying $90 and more. To top it off, I'm not much of a dancer, so why front and go to prom when I could use the money for something else? I plan on just getting a couple people together who aren't going to prom and doing our own thing." Others have differing opinions. "Prom is expensive this year. On top of that I have to pay for SATs and AP tests, but it's all worth it because I get to experience a wonderful night with my wonderful girlfriend." said Warren junior Jimmy Shuck. "Sure prom can be expensive and finding a perfect dress a hassle, but a glamorous night with my friends, date and class mates make it worthwhile," said Warren senior April Gonzalez.

********** Published: May 5, 2011 - Volume 10 - Issue 3

FeaturesEric Pierce