PREDICTIONS: WrestleMania takes place this weekend


Due to Covid-19, fans have watched as matches went from packed arenas to virtual “Thunder Domes.” Matches, segments, and storylines have also changed, some of which taking on more theatrical narratives in lieu of the traditional collar and elbow tie-ups and smack talking.

Now, the world starts to crawl its way to a sense of somewhat normalcy, and at a perfect time for wrestling fans – WrestleMania.

After the biggest show of the year was held in an empty performance center last year, a limited number of fans will enter the Raymond James Center in Tampa for the “Showcase of the Immortals.”

Here is the list of announced matches (at the time of writing), along with predictions.

Night 1

WWE Championship Match – Bobby Lashley (c) vs Drew McIntyre

I consider booking this match to be one of those “rock and hard spot” scenarios.

On one side, you have champion Bobby Lashley, who only recently climbed to the top of the roster and has been red hot ever since; many believe his winning the company’s top prize to have been long overdue.

Then on the other hand, you have challenger McIntyre, who after a lackluster initial run in the WWE, has slowly but surely built himself to be one of the next top guys, only to be robbed of a true WrestleMania moment last year when coronavirus forced him to raise his newly won WWE title over his head in a rather awkward empty arena celebration.

So, what do you do? Do you keep the title with the guy who just reached the pinnacle, or do you pay up the IOU debt to last year’s champ?

It’s close, but I give the slight edge to McIntyre, since WWE is a sucker for a good happy ending; remember that point for later, by the way.

Prediction: Drew McIntyre

Smackdown Women’s Championship Match – Sasha Banks (c) vs Bianca Belair

If you just take a look at the last few months, it's pretty obvious how this one is going to go. Belair gained a significant head of steam heading into the Royal Rumble in January, including being promoted pretty heavily by the WWE. Of course, then she won the Rumble.

I’m not a Belair fan myself, but this seems like a moment built specifically for her. Luckily, Banks doesn’t need the title to get herself over, so a loss here won’t be hugely detrimental, if at all.

Prediction: Bianca Belair

Bad Bunny and Damian Priest vs. The Miz and John Morrison

This match irritates me.

I have long said that the Miz is one of the best things the WWE has today, which is shocking when you realize exactly where he came from (who would have thought that the “Real World” guy on Tough Enough would eventually be one of the top heels in the company).

I was ecstatic when The Miz won his second WWE Championship after cashing in the Money in the Bank briefcase at Elimination Chamber; it was a title reign I had been clamoring for for years.

And then - just like that – it was over. The title was moved over to Bobby Lashley, and Miz continued his celebrity rivalry with Bad Bunny that had been going since the Royal Rumble.

Now, we will see Miz and John Morrison take on Bad Bunny and Damian Priest. Whoop-de-freaking-do.

I don’t mind when the WWE has the occasional celebrity guest, but it shouldn’t tie up a guy like The Miz, let alone two other guys as well. It’s pretty obvious who takes the win here.

After ‘Mania, Bad Bunny needs to go.

Prediction: Bad Bunny and Damian Priest

Raw Tag Team Championship Match – The New Day vs AJ Styles and Omos

What even is this match?

In the other misuse of talent of the night, The New Day defends their titles against AJ Styles – one of the best wrestlers in the world – and his backing muscle Omos.

The obvious answer here is that New Day retains, as they’re the only “tag team” in the traditional sense involved in the match.

However, something feels just gimmicky enough that may lead to Styles and Omos walking away with the win and the belts.

At least, that’s how I’m trying to justify Styles being used here and not elsewhere.

Prediction: AJ Styles and Omos

Cesaro vs. Seth Rollins

Cesaro is one of those guys that is hard pressed to put on a bad match; there are not many better workers out there.

Yet, as much as fans always call for him to reach the top of the mountain, it seems that WWE is never quite ready to fully pull the trigger on him.

Right now, Cesaro is riding a bit of a momentum wave, however at Mania he finds himself pitted up against Seth Rollins who – by many accounts – is one of the chosen handful of guys to be the face of the company for years to come.

Hot streak or not, I can’t see Cesaro besting Rollins at the show of shows. Rollins is one of the company's established top guys, and having just returned not long ago, needs something solid to kick off of.

Prediction: Seth Rollins.

Shane McMahon vs. Braun Stroman in a Steel Cage

It’s not WrestleMania unless Shane O Mac jumps off of something.

Facing off against a monster like Braun Stroman, the inclusion of the cage allows for Shane to hit a daredevil spot or two and win in some sort of gimmicky fashion.

This isn’t going to be the show-stealer of the night; not even close. It’s not going to do much for either guy either in terms of where to go next.

What this match is meant to and will be, however, is an absolute train wreck (in the best sense of the word).

Prediction: Shane McMahon

Women’s Tag Team Turmoil Match

I’ve never been a huge fan of when WWE throws as many people as they can into a match for the sake of getting them on the ‘Mania card. On top of that, I’ve had a problem getting into the WWE’s women’s tag team division, because most of the teams seem rather modge-podged together in lieu of natural tag partners (think in terms of The Dudleys, the Young Bucks, The Iconics).

When I look at the list of announced competitors, the only true “team” I see is the Riott Squad.

This is purely based only on my personal wants, but I’m giving it to Ruby Riott and Liv Morgan, and - sure, why not - let’s go ahead and say that they move on to night two and win the tag titles too.

Prediction: Riott Squad

Night 2

Universal Championship Match – Roman Reigns (c) vs. Edge vs. Daniel Bryan

Personally, this match breaks my heart.

Edge is my absolute favorite wrestler of all time, so you can imagine how emotional I was when he won this year’s Royal Rumble; I had my credit card all but ready to purchase those Rated R WWE Championship replica side plates that I was more than sure would hit the online shop soon.

Of course, he would first have to get past Roman Reigns, who after being forced onto fans as a babyface, has finally found his stride as the “head of the table” and – more importantly – the heel he needed to be.

Then Daniel Bryan was added to the mix.

Look, I get it: Bryan is insanely popular, and with him seemingly headed to the end of his career, his vast legion of fans wants – if not needs - him to have one more moment in the sun; even I can’t deny how much of a perfect ending to his Cinderella story career the title would bring.

If I had to guess, Bryan will go over at the end of the night, with Edge eating the pin. This way Bryan and his fans can get their last feel-good moment, while not hurting the integrity of WWE’s current biggest heel.

Like I said before, WWE is a sucker for happy endings.

Prediction: Daniel Bryan

Raw Women’s Championship Match – Asuka (c) vs Rhea Ripley

This has all the makings of being one of the top matches of the entire event; both Asuka and Rhea Ripley are extremely talented and entertaining to watch.

I give this match to Ripley, only because she was practically fed to Charlotte Flair at last year’s event and lost her NXT Women’s title in the process.

Not to mention, Asuka has held the title for a while now, and losing to someone like Ripley could open up options for future storytelling, if not freshen the division up a little bit.

Prediction: Rhea Ripley

The Fiend vs. Randy Orton

This should be the conclusion to one of the best stories the WWE has going right now. It also provides the opportunity to rectify a huge miscalculation from a few years ago.

Back in 2017, Orton won the Royal Rumble and went on to beat Bray Wyatt for the WWE Championship in what was an absolute mess of a match; it was a result that severely stunted Wyatt for the time being.

Fast-forward to present day, and Wyatt as “The Fiend” – alongside Alexa Bliss – is one of the hottest acts in WWE (not sure if pun is intended there or not quite yet).

Orton should definitely take the loss here. From a story perspective, it just makes sense.

It’s time for WWE to right the wrong of WrestleMania past.

Prediction: The Fiend

Intercontinental Championship Match – Big E (c) vs Apollo Crews

I’m still not entirely over the split of the New Day, but I can’t deny that it opened a lot of opportunities for Big E. He’s done well since he went back to solo competition.

That said, I don’t see him retaining at ‘Mania, for the simple fact that as the story goes, all signs seem to point in that direction.

Crews already has a few unsuccessful bids for the IC title in recent history. Couple that with his heel turn and new gimmick, it would make sense to put the title on him to build onto the new persona.

If he loses here, I feel WWE risks that he slips into lower-midcard / sitting at catering obscurity again.

Prediction: Apollo Crews

Kevin Owens vs. Sami Zayn

Stop and do a quick google search: “Kevin Steen vs. El Generico Ring of Honor.”

Did you watch it? Good. Now you know how potentially awesome this match can be.

The Owens / Zayn rivalry is pretty plug-and-play in that no matter where or what card you put it on, you’re likely going to end up with a solid, entertaining match; the fact that it’s at ‘Mania this year only opens the possibilities.

I give the win to Zayn here; I think it’d do him more good than it would Owens in the long-run.

Prediction: Sami Zayn

United States Championship Match – Riddle (c) vs Sheamus

Similar to Lashley vs. McIntyre, this match puts a fresh champ against momentum.

While I think any result would be acceptable here, I feel the smart play would be to have Riddle retain.

Sheamus is an already established star in the WWE, and though I’m sure he would bring a lot to the title at this moment, I don’t think he needs it as much as a star like Riddle does.

Prediction: Riddle

WrestleMania will air this Saturday and Sunday, available via streaming on Peacock.

FeaturesAlex Dominguez