The Downey Patriot

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Police response

Dear Editor:The 8100 block of 4th Street is considered Downtown Downey yet residents of 4th Street do not reap the benefits of Downtown Downey. This street has been plagued with manufacturing and sales of narcotics, poor street lighting, accidents from drunk drivers and lack of concern from elected officials. Yet, the city does make good money from violations of the two-hour parking ordinance. Several of the neighbors have been sharing their contacts with the Downey Police Department regarding the traffic on 4th Street from narcotic sales. One resident also complained about the narcotic transactions occurring in their front yard. Another resident complained about the vandalism which has occurred at their apartment complex due to transactions occurring in the alley behind 4th Street. Another resident complained about a packet of narcotics dropped in their yard. The final resident has been calling for three years regarding the smell and the traffic. To date the sales and manufacturing still occurs. In fact, as early as 6 a.m. this morning. What have the responses from the Downey Police Department been: "We can't do anything unless you see a money transaction." "What does it smell like? You know they may be cooking food." "No other people on 4th Street are complaining." "The smell you're describing is not consistent with manufacturing of narcotics." No return phone calls after taking their name and phone number. One resident contacted the City Council and advised them of the high school students being targeted by the dealers. The response from City Council is that City Council has no control over Downey Police Department. Another resident contacted the company trying to sell the property and the owner of the property. To date, the behavior continues. Occupants are renting. Most important in this situation: there are minors residing at this residence. --Rebecca Hernandez, Downey

********** Published: March 01, 2012 - Volume 10 - Issue 46