Philosophy of evolution

Dear Editor:While this week we direct our thoughts to God in thankfulness for His manifold blessings that He lavished upon us even in the midst of a severe economic downturn, many of today's elite in the scientific and academic community are celebrating Charles Darwin's 150th anniversary of the publication of his book "On the Origin of Species" - on November 24 to be precise. We in Downey deplore this Godless and outright dangerous philosophy of evolution, which led to the rise of communism, Nazism, abortion, eugenics and more. Besides being an unproven theory (as in, "Where are the transitional fossils or missing links you predicted would be found by now, Charlie?"), evolution has proven to be totally useless over the past 150 years as it has contributed nothing to help put man on the moon, design the space shuttle or the electric car, build computers and cell phones, develop laser eye surgery and many more life saving modern medical procedures. The list is endless. Besides, farmers from all over the world count on evolution to not work every time they plant a new crop. They have yet to see a hamster or a tomato or a whale to grow on a cornstalk, or a dog to bring forth a baby elephant. To say that we evolved from a chemical reaction in a primordial bubbling soup formed by rain upon a rock 4.5 billion years ago without any scientific evidence of any kind requires faith, which clearly makes evolution a religion. The creation vs. evolution debate is therefore not about religion vs. science. Both are religious in nature, with Biblical creation declaring "In the beginning God...", while evolution essentially says "In the beginning dirt...". The difference is that evolution is a carefully protected state religion, whereby should a Christian scientist in a leading scientific institute even so much as question evolution, he or she can end up in academic Siberia, as was so well documented in Ben Stein's 2008 blockbuster movie "Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed", now available on DVD. While I know that many universities have held lectures and panel discussions to mark this anniversary, I am glad to report that as I looked far and wide all over Downey this week, no one celebrated here or even took notice of Darwin's infamous book. Way to go Downey! Let's keep it that way. - Dan Cristea, Downey

********** Published: November 27, 2009 - Volume 8 - Issue 32

OpinionStaff Report