The Downey Patriot

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Personal responsibility

Dear Editor:Recently, in the city of South Gate, a terrible accident occurred when a family crossing Tweedy Boulevard was mowed down by a drunk hit and run driver. I know that there was death and injuries but I did not keep up with the story. However, I did notice the reaction of the city people. Rather than condemning the driver, there were demands that the city install new traffic lights and crosswalks. First of all, the family was in a crosswalk when they were hit so that criticism is moot, and how many times do we see drivers run traffic lights? Apparently in other countries, the yellow caution light means speed up instead of slow down. So instead of pointing blame at others, let us take personal responsibility for our own actions, condemn those friends and family who make bad behavioral choices and stop this slide in the direction of non-responsibility. - Ed Romero, Downey

********** Published: October 2, 2009 - Volume 8 - Issue 24