Open letter to City Council

Dear Editor:I wanted to take a few moments of your time to say THANK YOU, for all your efforts of last night. For over 12 years and three deployments our family has prayed for my sons to return safe to Downey, after fighting for our country in this war against terrorism. Last night, was an answer to our prayers! My oldest son and last military serving son is home now ready to begin serving in a new capacity, in our family business. I have been many things in this city, but nothing made me more proud than, when Mayor Roger Brossmer stood so proudly next to my son as he read his Army bio. Then to have Councilman Mario Guerra and Mayor Pro Tem Dave Gafin lead the crowd in a standing ovation for all six of our returning heroes was priceless! In the midst of all the other time demanding issues that you all have to deal with, in serving and protecting our city and to find the time to recognize our children publicly was fantastic. So, thank you gentlemen for each part that you play individually in blessing this great City of Downey and her citizens. God Bless you and God Bless America, -- Rick Rodriguez Sr., Downey

********** Published: March 15, 2012 - Volume 10 - Issue 48

OpinionStaff Report