New Year's Lessons
I have learned friendship can fill the void when family brings disappointments.
I have learned grandchildren are God’s gift of a second chance.
I have learned change is necessary to grow in knowledge.
I have learned from the terrorist event of September eleventh 2001, violent climate change and countless mass shootings that tomorrow is not a given.
I have learned from my husband, true love is unconditional.
I have learned from my cat, it is okay to nap in the middle of the day.
I have learned from my homemaking tasks, I have no excuse to be bored.
I have learned from my addiction to chocolate that some things are out of my control.
I have learned through my writing, I have something to say.
I have learned from Bonnie Mansell’s Memoir Group that our stories are our legacy.
These are the life-lessons I will carry in to the New Year with its new adventures and challenges.
Yolanda Adele is a member of the writing class at Norwalk Senior Center.