My memory of Rep. John Lewis


I wish to share a personal experience I had with the late Congressman John Lewis. 

I was honored by H&R Block to fly to Washington to advocate for taxpayers. Our mission was to have legislation introduced in Congress to require minimum training, background checks and the ability to stop those unscrupulous and predatory tax preparers.

I am a 35-year tax practitioner, enrolled agent and master tax advisor. I own an H&R Block franchise in Norwalk and our family has been in business for 56 years.

I along with five other franchise owners from across the nation went to meet with senators and members of Congress. I was especially pleased when I was informed our team would be meeting with Congressman Lewis.

We arrived at his office in the Capitol and his chief of staff greeted us. She apologized and informed us the Congressman was on the floor voting and would be late or may not be able to attend the meeting. I was disappointed but we continued our advocacy meeting.


We all were in deep discussions when the door opened to the office and in walked Congressman Lewis. A gasp and chatter of “that’s him” in disbelief came from us all. A mix of Republicans and Democrats. History was walking in the door!

We all stood and he humbly told us all to relax and have a seat. He thanked us for coming and then asked us to continue. He listened and agreed a minimum licensing standard and background check should exist for tax practitioners. He graciously allowed us all to tell him our clients horror stories regarding the abuse of unlicensed and unethical tax preparers.

Once we concluded our meeting, he invited us to take a picture with him in his office. We were excited to do so. The walls of his office were lined with photographs of Martin Luther King, John F. Kennedy, Robert Kennedy and many other iconic and historic persons. 

He then made the grand gesture of inviting to take a picture on his balcony. He opened the French doors and the view was breathtaking. The Capitol dome and beautiful trees appeared that did not seem to be real. It was the perfect setting. Our company photographer took pictures of the group and individually with Congressman Lewis. I still have goosebumps writing this and this happened two years ago.

When we were finished, I heard our photographer, who was African American, say the following to the Congressman: “Congressman Lewis, sir, I wish to thank you for your courage and strength. I would not have had the opportunities in my life if it was not for you and Dr. King.”

That drew a tear to my eye and I took a picture of our photographer. The attached photos give you a sense of that magical visit. Rest In Peace. He is free at last. God bless him and his family.

Features, NewsJohn A. Alba