Missing booklets

Dear Editor:Twenty-three days and counting before the Nov. 2 election and Bellflower voters still do not have their sample ballot booklet on the 2% utility tax increase, Measure A, the city wants to impose on our residents, on top of the existing 5% now in effect. The booklet should give voters informational knowledge, for and against the measure, in order for them to make their decision wisely. The city attorney says it is for general operation of the city. Originally designed at 4% for public safety and 1% for capital investments, this tax is now expanding for all operations. Where will it end? You have the power, voter! Nobody, not the registrar of voters office, our city or the county knows where the booklets are or when this booklet will be in the hands of voters. With the current shortage of mail volume you can rest assured that they are not sitting around in post offices somewhere. The state voting booklet was received in September. All city booklets should have also been delivered then. Already mail-in ballots have been delivered locally. This is a governmental agency crime by gross incompetence, and election fraud against the people. No mail-in ballots should be taken in and counted until these booklets are out to better inform the voters. This is very, very wrong and public workers and officials are to blame, and should be prosecuted for their incompetence. In the private sector, someone would have been fired for missed deliver. Maybe FedEx has them, ha. There is no fairness here at all phases of the election process. -- Joe Cvetko, Bellflower

********** Published: October 14, 2010 - Volume 9 - Issue 26

OpinionStaff Report