Mexican American Bar Association holds annual golf tournament in Downey

DOWNEY -- More than 150 judges, elected officials, prosecutors, public defenders, private attorneys, and supporters participated in the Mexican American Bar Association’s annual golf tournament at the Rio Hondo Golf Club on Friday, July 29.

MABA, as the association is known, was founded in 1959 by a group of Mexican-American attorneys who saw the need “to create an organization committed to empowering and educating the Latino community.”  

Noreen Barcena, who chaired the event, stated: "With the graciousness of the Downey Rio Hondo Country Club; Downey Mayor Alex Saab; our 150 golfers; volunteers; and especially our local Downey business sponsors, we were able to raise funds crucial to MABA's mission, and provided our golfers with a joyous event."

Downey attorney Ricardo Perez served as golf tournament vice-chair and assisted in establishing local Downey support.

MABA was founded in 1959 by a group of Mexican-American attorneys who saw the need “to create an organization committed to empowering and educating the Latino community.” 

NewsStaff ReportMABA