Marine service

Dear Editor:My name is Staff Sergeant Matthew Jones. I am a native of Downey, Calif. I was born in Downey Community Hospital on April 21, 1980. I attended Gauldin Elementary, East Middle and Warren High School where I graduated in 1998. I immediately enlisted in the Marine Corps' delayed entry program and shipped to the Marine Corps Recruit Depot in San Diego in October 1998. I have moved from one duty station to another six times since I enlisted, serving on both coasts of the United States, Japan and deploying to Iraq. My current duties are as a curriculum developer for the Digital Wideband Repair Course at the Marine Corps Communications Electronic School on the Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center in Twenty-nine Palms, Calif. It is my mission to create and manage the courseware used to train our new Marines in their entry level Military Occupational Specialty of 2831, Digital Wideband Repairmen. The Marines we train will provide the crucial role in our Fleet Marine Force of repairing and maintaining the equipment which forms the backbone of our communications infrastructure. I know that my efforts and commitment to mission accomplishment directly effect how well these Marines perform their duties, and whether or not their fleet units can accomplish their missions. I take pride in the success of each of these brave Americans that completes our course, knowing they are prepared for the challenges that face them in the Fleet Marine Force and in service to our great country. Semper Fidelis, Matthew S. Jones Downey

********** Published: June 21, 2012 - Volume 11 - Issue 10

OpinionStaff Report