Mail service

Dear Editor:This is to the businesses and residents in the area of Downey bordering Paramount Boulevard (115000-11800) and Old River School Road, and 7500-7900 Pivot Street. As a recently retired 34-year mail carrier, I can tell you why your mail service has suffered. Your area is now an auxiliary route, meaning it is split up every day 4-6 ways. Every day a different mail carrier will carry their route, then carry part of your area on overtime pay. They are tired but forced to do this, so please do not blame them. Upper management is to blame. To complain to the Downey post office is useless. Your complaints should be directed to your area council person. Please do this. Even though I'm retired I still care. -- Kim Davis, Downey

********** Published: December 9, 2010 - Volume 9 - Issue 34

OpinionStaff Report