Low-flow comes up short

Dear Editor:Re: "Don't Flush Your Money Down the Toilet," (1/19/12) We live in a country that has modern sanitary plumbing. The systems are installed by trained professionals. Plumbing systems are designed to keep the potable water safe and to eliminate waste. The toilets of the 1940's used six gallons per flush, then went to five gallons per flush. In the 80s we went to 3.5 gallons per flush; in the 90s the U.S. government mandated that we flush with 1.6 gallons. Toilet makers had no choice but to comply with the law. Western Pottery made toilets in South Gate. Testing was done in a laboratory with 15 1-inch Styrofoam balls to replicate waste, and nice clean glass waste pipe. They flushed to see how far 1.6 gallons of water will carry the waste in the pipe, not exactly real world conditions. The job of the toilet is to effectively eliminate human waste in one flush, clean the bowl and refill for the next use. Also to carry the waste to the sewer in the street. By reducing the volume of water to 1.2 gallons per flush we are greatly reducing the effectiveness of what the toilet was meant to do. Saving water is a wonderful goal, but not at the risk of germs, disease or worse. When Europe suffered the black plague, it was mostly due to a lack of sanitation and 1/3 of the population died. We take for granted that the plumbing system is doing its job. It is very subtle; only after we get sick do we realize the cause. Legionnaires disease and SARS are two examples. I am keeping my 3.5 gallon toilets. -- Mike Borzi, Downey

********** Published: February 2, 2012 - Volume 10 - Issue 42

OpinionStaff Report