Library's success

Dear Editor:On Nov. 19, I read a lengthy article in the Los Angeles Times about the sad state of libraries in several cities in Southern California. Due to the present poor economy cities have had to curtail library services, shorten hours and furlough employees. The City of Colton will close all three of their libraries until June, 2010. How sad! At times like these libraries are needed more than ever. More people are utilizing library services. Computer labs are being used to prepare job resumes and to search for job opportunities online. Books, CDs and DVDs are checked out rather than being purchased. Fortunately, our city government is willing to support our library. Although there is a freeze on some positions, library staff has not been cut and hours have not been curtailed. We can thank our City Council for this because they know how important a library is to a community. The Downey City Library also has a strong volunteer force. Claudia Dailey's literacy program has many volunteers that work with adults who wish to learn or improve on their reading. The Friends of the Downey City Library maintain the book shop, assist staff with many programs - such as the Summer Reading Program - and conducts fundraising events. All monies raised by the Friends support the library. Remember, everyone who enters through our library doors is able to use it without cost. Next time you see a City Council member, be sure to thank them for our fine library and their support of it. - Cleo Latimer, President, Friends of the Downey City Library

********** Published: November 27, 2009 - Volume 8 - Issue 32

OpinionStaff Report