Letters to the Editor: Rancho's Restorative Care Village

Dear Editor:

It is with great concern that we write to you regarding the Rancho Los Amigos National Rehabilitation shelter and mental ward for the homeless that is being constructed right next to our homes, schools, the Barbara J. Riley Senior and Community Center, and Apollo park.

Why has the City of Downey allowed this without notifying its residents? How could this have been approved without having done a community impact survey? This plan was snuck in quietly without our vote.

As far as I know, the City of Downey created a plan to “revitalize” the “Rancho South Campus.” The “Restorative Care Village” is only a play on words. The homeless shelter and mental ward do nothing to revitalize our city. On the contrary, this project is not for the betterment of our community at all, especially considering its location.

We do not need nor want another Skid Row in our city where the streets are inundated with makeshift tents, human feces, and waste on the ground and the danger of being attacked by the mentally unstable homeless who have nothing to lose. The politically motivated reason for allowing these plans to go through is not without its ramifications.

The “Restorative Care Village” sounds nice on paper but we know what will happen when rooms quickly fill up and no beds are available. The overflow of homeless will be camped nearby on the streets, in parks, and businesses waiting their turn in anticipation of getting a room at this “open” facility where they are free to roam aimlessly. They have already taken over the Downey parks and some businesses. So much for the millions of dollars that the City of Downey spent in renovations as the homeless currently camp and live in the baseball dugouts, and gazebos or on business lawns and doorways. Even the residents, visitors, and business owners have a difficult time using the services for fear of confrontation and the city does nothing.

As the saying goes, “If you build it, they will come.” Well, the drug addicts, homeless and mentally ill will surely come, followed by even more crime and assaults on the residents who have worked tirelessly and paid taxes to make our city a beautiful place to live. What about the children who have to walk that area to go to the nearby elementary and middle schools and parks? As a parent, would you allow your kids to walk to Apollo Park and the elementary and middle schools (post-pandemic)?

Many parents do not have the luxury of dropping off and picking up their kids from school. Those streets will become unsafe and no amount of police patrolling the area will make it feel otherwise.

I am not speaking untruths. Just research San Julian Street in Downtown Los Angeles, Midnight Mission, and Los Angeles Mission. They too started with good intentions until the influx of homelessness took over. This is our future if we do not prevent these shelters from being implemented here. The only difference is San Julian Skid Row and shelters are located in the dilapidated business district of Los Angeles, unlike the “Rancho Restorative Care Village” homeless shelter and mental ward which is literally right next door to our homes, schools, parks, senior and community centers, and businesses.

Not only this but there will be devaluation of properties if these shelters are allowed. Investors will not want to associate their business with a city that will soon be overrun by homelessness.

This is a terrible plan for Downey. I urge the city of Downey to consider the impact on its residents, businesses, and property values. It is wrong to allow the county of Los Angeles to dump the mental ward and homeless shelter in our backyard. Please do not allow this to happen.

Please contact the mayor and your City Council representative if you agree.

Sandra Avalos

Dear Editor:

As a Downey resident living near the senior citizen center at Apollo Park, I was dismayed to read about the county’s plans to house homeless residents and the mentally unstable so close to our seniors and children.

I was further shocked to read that our mayor supports such an ill-conceived plan.

The City Council has forgotten they represent Downey residents and not developers who do not have Downey’s best interests at heart.

Grace Palmer

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