Letters to the Editor - PAC amends agenda

Dear Editor:The Downey Redevelopment Project Area Committee (PAC) wishes to make the public aware of a change to its Feb. 3 agenda. At this meeting, the PAC had planned to continue discussions from its January forum on the Avenue Theatre and Verizon property in order to hear details on the development proposal selected by the City Council for these projects. When this continuation was first announced, the PAC and city staff anticipated that the selection would be made in January in time for the February meeting. However, because the City Council has not yet acted on the matter, the PAC has been informed by staff that no new information will be available at this time. As a result, the PAC will postpone further discussion of the Avenue Theatre and Verizon property to its March 3 meeting. The PAC will still meet in February to discuss other issues, including the Porto's Bakery development and a downtown parking study. This meeting will be held Feb. 3 in the Cormack Room of the Downey City Library at 6:30 p.m. - Michael Hutchinson, PAC Secretary ********** Published: January 30, 2009 - Volume 7 - Issue 41

Staff Report