Letters to the Editor: Chick-Fil-A in Downey

Dear Editor:Chick-Fil-A does not discriminate against gays. They hire gays, serve gays and treat them as they treat others.

The president of Chick-Fil-A believes what the Bible teaches about marriage - that it should be between one man and one woman. Chick-Fil-A is a Christian organization and has as much right to their beliefs as anyone else.

Just because a person disagrees with Bible teachings does not give them the right to boycott and damage those who do believe God's teachings in the Bible. George Teats Sr. Downey

Dear Editor: The owner of a business, as much as any other individual in this land, may express his beliefs, and should be able to do so without the ridiculous "hate speech label."

I may not agree with some people, but I do believe in our Bill of Rights, and that it applies to each citizen. If we can have a local bar with a name meaningful to the owner but offensive to others, because of the owner's right to freedom of speech, then everyone else gets to have the same privilege. And it is a privilege: make no mistake. Do not abuse it by defaming someone who sincerely believe differently than you do.

We don't need a homogenized society, with so-called political correctness coloring in the lines. And we don't need to bring any exclusionist establishments into this community. Frankly, two hookah bars is about enough exoticism for our small town! There are plenty of cities with exotic entertainment.

Downey has long been a good city in which to raise a family. It is full of local restaurants, and even bars, which welcome everyone. Try supporting families who have had businesses in Downey for years. If you need special treatment, other than the good service you can already get, sure, go somewhere else.

As for bringing Chick-Fil-A to town: it's about time something perked up that section of Firestone, and Chick-Fil-A is a good new chain for our town. I trust our City Council will resist doing anything foolish under pressure.

In response to the hostile and "hateful" attitude to a man's remarks in a private interview, my family will be patronizing Chick-Fil-A, and my husband doesn't even like chicken.

We need to encourage businesses and create jobs, not stifle them. We need to work to have and keep Downey a family-friendly and safe city. Glory Derryberry Downey

Dear Editor: As I read the letter concerning Chick-Fil-A from Carlos Rangel, I realized that he is exactly what he claims the restaurant chain is all about - promoting hate and discriminating against a select group of Americans...in this case a restaurant chain. Because we live in a country that gives freedoms in many areas, he has the freedom to believe what he chooses. However, just because someone disagrees with him does not mean they promote hate and inequality.

As a Christian I stand with Chick-Fil-A in their standards and applaud their courage. As a privately-owned company they have the right to take a stand on whatever they choose. There are many companies that support gay rights...why is it any different when one chooses to not support gay rights?

They will bring an excellent restaurant to our city, and I, for one, will definitely eat there often. And by the way - they also choose to not open on Sunday so their employees can worship and have a day of rest with their families. I applaud that decision. Joyce Beach Downey

Dear Editor: Mr. Rangel has decided we should not have Chick-Fil-A in Downey. Where is his tolerance for other people and their beliefs?

If someone doesn't wish to eat there, that's fine. But if I choose to eat there, it's my business. If someone wants a gay bar in Downey, just pony up the money.

Nothing in our world is one-dimensional; there are many sides to everything. There are some places I will not patronize because I don't agree with what they do. I would never presume to speak for the whole city.

The patrons of Downey will make up their own minds. Helen Burns Downey

Dear Editor: Unfortunately for Mr. Rangel, the only people espousing hatred are those trying to ban Chick-Fil-A from opening restaurants.

How dare he suggest that standing up for traditional marriage is equal to promoting hate. Does he not remember how the majority of Californians have voted twice now to reaffirm traditional marriage? And there is zero evidence that Chick-Fil-A discriminates against anybody. I reject Mr. Rangel's definitions. He clearly does not understand these concepts.

It is absolutely chilling to the bone to hear Democratic politicians use the power of their office to discriminate against a business because of a political stand. Is this not America anymore? Citizens are free to boycott businesses that take a public position on divisive issues. Government officials are not free to discriminate against businesses for those same public positions. They are blatantly violating Chick-Fil-A CEO Dan Cathy's Constitutional rights and will hopefully be sued.

I am stunned to read that Mr. Rangel believes Downey should become the next San Francisco so he can be proud of the city in which he chooses to raise his kids. Seriously? I, for one, would love to see a Downey Chick-Fil-A and whether or not you agree with their position on same-sex marriage, everyone who believes in the freedom of speech should be decrying Boston and Chicago for their egregious abuse of power. Alaina Niemann Downey

Dear Editor: Mr. Rangel does not reflect my opinion nor the opinion of many in Downey. We do want a Chick-Fil-A restaurant.

No one dares to disparage those who want the Muslim Sharia law because of fear. However, they feel free to put down Christians, who biblically believe that homosexuality is wrong. I consider that discrimination.

Those who wish not to patronize a business for any reason - feel free, but don't prevent those who want to from doing so. It's called freedom of choice. I choose to support Chick-Fil-A, so my tax money will go to the city where they do business.

Who has Chick-Fil-A discriminated against? They serve anyone. This company will generate jobs and taxes. Chick-Fil-A's CEO just supports marriage between a man and a woman. Betty Logan Downey

Dear Editor: Ignorance is a lack of knowledge, and Mr. Rangel's letter is full of it.

First, it is irresponsible and false to say Chick-Fil-A "promotes hate and inequality." During my visits and personal experience at the restaurant, all I am told is "What would you like, sir?" That's it. Nowhere (and never) in conversation or in print material is it stated that the restaurant has a position on same-sex marriage vs. traditional marriage, nor do they make any public statements on gay issues.

It's a wholesome business selling good food to hungry customers. Their interest is to make money and by doing so they bring in needed tax dollars. Second, if we as a society begin to litmus test business owners on political issues then freedom in America will end for all. Dan Cathy's opposition to same-sex marriage is his personal view, much like you have yours and I have mine. If he uses his resources to promote his views then wonderful; we all have the same liberty.

As a conservative Catholic, Carl Karcher, founder of Carl's Jr., contributed $1 million to California's Prop 6 initiative in 1978, seeking to ban gays and lesbians, and possibly anyone who supports gay rights, from working in California's public schools. How about the Snyder family? Esther and Harry Snyder, the founders of In & Out burgers, were conservative Christians and morally supported traditional marriage.

In Mr. Rangel's ignorance he mentioned JC Penney. James Cash Penny was a Baptist and a believer in Jesus, and if traditional marriage were under attack during his time as it is today, he would have fought against the position of same-sex marriage, both morally and financially.

We live in a free society. Let's keep it that way and allow the public to vote with their dollars. Samuel Bettencourt Downey

********** Published: August 02, 2012 - Volume 11 - Issue 16

OpinionStaff Report