Letters from Warren High students

Dear Editor:I have lived in Downey all my life, and from what I remember there has always been something to do. Whether it was playing soccer at the park or going to Krikorian to watch a new movie, and even bowl at Del Rio Lanes, Downey was pretty much fun. But now that I am a little bit older, fun things to do in Downey have become very dull. Although we have a lot of shopping centers, restaurants and the new Downey Landing, Downey is a very quiet city. With neighbors, police officers and seniors worried about noise and destruction of property, the night life ends at around 9:30 p.m. Not to mention our 10 p.m. curfew. Downey is a fun and safe place when you're young, but once you get older, it's time to leave to a bigger city. - Kevin De La Hoz, Downey

Dear Editor: I am proud to say that living in Downey has its benefits. One of those is the good public transit system that the city provides. With just a quarter and free transfers, the Downey LINK could take one all over the city. This helps out students and people that need a ride anywhere within the city. Downey even takes into consideration its citizens with special needs by providing a different bus just for their care. Also, for only a quarter, Downey's Dial-A-Ride serves citizens who are 65 and older and anyone who is disabled. I like the fact that the bus drivers are friendly people and that the buses are clean. I believe that Downey has done a great job in helping out its citizens by making transportation accessible. I am glad to say that if for any reason I need a ride, I could just take the DowneyLINK and problem solved! Thank you. - Mayra Pozos, Downey

Dear Editor: I was born at Downey Regional Medical Center and have lived and gone to school in Downey my whole life. While I love Downey, I feel sad when thinking about my city. I'm embarrassed to bring my boyfriend, who lives out of town, to Downey. Our streets need repair and parts of the city need renovations. It's gotten so bad that I feel a need to get out of Downey and move away. Not once did I consider staying in Downey and commuting to school. For me, there is nothing in Downey to entice me to stay. No nightlife, housing is expensive and the city is in poor shape. While it breaks my heart to leave my hometown, I feel I have no choice. - Faviola Hernandez, Downey

Dear Editor: The city of Downey is a vivid and calm place to live. One thing that can make the city better, however, is fixing the lack of sidewalks. It is dangerous for pedestrians to walk because they are at risk of getting hit by oncoming traffic. Without sidewalks, children can't walk or ride their bikes safely. Walking on the lawns of private property is not pleasant for the owners. Many complain that people are trespassing on their property. For the good of the community this has to be fixed. Walking through the neighborhood should not be a problem. - Jessica Gutierrez, Downey

Dear Editor: I am writing to express how grateful I am to live in the city of Downey. The question of security has never really crossed my mind much. Growing up from 8 years old to now 18 nothing has happened that I could honestly attribute to lack of security when in reality the Downey Police Department couldn't do their job any better. Every time I go to a city park, I always notice there are Downey police patrolling the park looking out for children. Even at Warren High School I see the Downey police looking out for everyone, making sure everything is OK and in order. The community also does very well putting time and effort into its schools. I've gone from Rio Hondo Elementary to Griffiths to now Warren and I constantly see volunteers giving a hand. I am also part of Warren's swim and water polo teams, and when the teams need financial help the parents don't hesitate to help. It's also great how well the city cooperates with fundraisers. The city of Downey does a great job getting teens involved, with an example being the Miss Downey pageant which requires the contestants to do volunteer work and the Big Buddy Little Buddy program that requires you to tutor a child. I wouldn't want to live in any other city. This letter is more of an acknowledgement for the city of Downey and to say you are much appreciated! - Erick Labra, Downey

Dear Editor: The city of Downey is known as one of the best cities in Los Angeles County. It has beautiful homes and great shopping centers we enjoy every day. But even though it's one of the greatest cities, I believe there is room for improvement. I've driven around some of the Downey neighborhoods and have noticed that some streets are a little bumpy and the cement is damaged. Some pieces of cement are all over the road which can be dangerous when cars pass by. Not too long ago my brother and I were driving along Imperial Highway when all of a sudden we saw a huge pothole. We were not able to avoid it so we drove through. It was a good thing we had our seat belts on because we could have hurt ourselves badly. Something has to be done about the potholes, which can be very dangerous for drivers. Maybe that's one of the reasons a lot of people get flat tires and then have to pay big money for repairs. That's not good, with this economy, people cannot afford to repair their cars due to the city's negligence. Sidewalks are another thing to point out. Most of the residential streets have no sidewalks. There are a lot of times when kids want to go for walks or use their bikes but the parents do not feel safe because there are no sidewalks. Kids are in danger without sidewalks. A car can go over the speed limit and run over a kid. Street lights are also very important in our neighborhoods. It's either they don't work, we don't have enough, or worse, we don't have any at all. It's scary when you walk out of your house and there's no light, it's pitch black. So there you have it: some suggestions from me. The people of Downey will appreciate it. - Denise Marquez, Downey

********** Published: June 4, 2010 - Volume 9 - Issue 7

OpinionStaff Report