Letter to the Editor: Trump's vindictiveness

Dear Editor:

I must report that there are only two Republicans left in the party: Senator Mitt Romney and me. Mario Guerra doesn't count because he is part of the Trump administration and you know what that means.

History will judge harshly Senator Mitch McConnell and his fellow conspirators for ignoring their constitutional duties to serve as impartial judges of the impeachment proceedings and being part of the defense team instead.

Regardless of the merits of the House Impeachment work it is clear that President Trump is a very vindictive executive. The firing of the twin brothers Vindman when only one of them testified against him is a perfect example of a man gone berserk. One of the brothers is guilty only of having a brother who testified in the impeachment process. The brothers have distinguished military records in service on the country but that doesn't count in Mr. Trump's agenda.

Just in case, I am changing my name to Stone so that I can stay in President Trump's good graces.

Those of us who care about the country and would like to exercise our right to vote are now in a quandary. The choice appears to be between a misguided socialist and President Trump. Neither one is worth our vote.

Jorge Montero

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